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Kerry could have done so much better
Published on October 1, 2004 By Machiavelli_incorporated In Politics
I watched the majority of the debate last night and as a deomcrat well..... its rather dismal I have always been a democrat and probably always will be, although Kerry's performance and statements last night even had me confused. His comments on iraq were espically disconcerting as he refered to how Saddam Hussein was a threat yet he believed we should have watied for UN approval to invade. I do not believe Saddam hussein has ever posed a threat to the united states after the first gulf war and for kerry to deliver the messege that he was and not to support the war is rather absurd. Nv the less, i still believe that he is much more competant than president bush ever will be, a sort of lesser of two evils if u will. While president bush may have had resolve, his ideas and policies are simply not rite. Saying that Iraq was a mistake but at least bush was consistent is like saying "well he ran us into a brick wall but at least he didnt blink and nv heasitated while doing it." Kerry's general messege was correct but i believe that the delivery was so incredably dismal and utterly confusing. I still believe Howard Dean should have ran the campaign. Governors naturally make better candidates because they have no voting record to defend. The fact that Howard dean nv got nominated shows the weakness of the democratic party right now because the dems went for the guy they thought was "electable" Howard Dean would have nv had the Inconsistency issues Kerry had because he had always been agaisnt the war. While on the topic, what was up with bush's facial expressions when Kerry was speaking? I know that the rules were suppose to say that there was nv suppose to be a camera on him but this guy looked constipated all the way through.....
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